エムスリーグループの株式会社シーユーシー(東京都中央区/代表取締役:濵口慶太、以下「CUC」と表記)は、ホーチミン市を中心としたベトナム南部に小児科・産婦人科のクリニックを展開するNhi Dong 315(ニードン315/ホーチミン市/CEO:Nguyen Huynh Van Vy)に対し、2022年9月20日、投資を実行したことをお知らせいたします。

Nhi Dong 315は、2019年の設立以来、ホーチミン市における代表的な小児科クリニックとして成長してきました。ベトナムにおいて著しく需要が増加する中間層向けの良質な医療を提供するため、現在46拠点の小児科・産婦人科のクリニックを運営しています。
CUCは、業務提携によって、Nhi Dong 315の成長を加速させるため、今回の投資の実行を決定しました。CUCとNhi Dong 315はより良質な医療サービスを、ベトナムのより多くの人々に提供することを目指します。
CUCは日本において、小児科クリニックを運営する医療機関の経営支援を行っています。日本での経験により培ったノウハウを生かし、日本とベトナムにおける事業連携や人材交流、教育機会の創出、マーケティング活動の実施等により、Nhi Dong 315の成長をサポートします。今後も「医療という希望を創る。」という私たちの使命を実現するため、ベトナム国内における事業パートナーの開拓、およびさらなる事業拡大に積極的に取り組んでいきます。
Fitch Solutions, Inc. Healthcare Reforms In Vietnam Present Upside Potential But Risks Remain (October, 2018)
THE WORLD BANK. Current health expenditure per capita (current US$) – Vietnam
正式国名: ベトナム社会主義共和国
国土: 約33万㎢(日本の88%:日本から九州を除いた面積とほぼ同じ)
首都: ハノイ(ベトナム北部)
最大都市: ホーチミン(ベトナム南部)
人口: 9,762万人(2020年時点、外務省ベトナム基礎データより)
社名: 株式会社シーユーシー
所在地:東京都中央区東日本橋一丁目1番7号 野村不動産東日本橋ビル2階
代表者:代表取締役 濵口 慶太
■Nhi Dong 315の概要
所在地:308 Nguyen Tri Phuong street, Ward 4, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
代表者:CEO Nguyen Huynh Van Vy
『CUC Inc. invested in Nhi Dong 315 – a major operator of pediatric, obstetrics and gynecology clinics in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam』
21st September 2022
CUC Inc. (Chuo-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Keita HAMAGUCHI, hereinafter referred to as “CUC”) announced that CUC invested in Nhi Dong 315 Group (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, CEO: Nguyen Huynh Van Vy, hereinafter referred to as “Nhi Dong 315”), which operates pediatric, obstetrics and gynecology clinics in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, on 20th September 2022.
■Purpose of the Investment
Nhi Dong 315 started its business in 2019 and has grown into the leading pediatric clinics operator in Ho Chi Minh City. It currently operates 46 pediatric, obstetrics and gynecology clinics, which provide high-quality healthcare services to growing middle income people in Vietnam. CUC decided to invest in Nhi Dong 315 to accelerate Nhi Dong 315’s growth through business collaboration. Nhi Dong 315 and CUC will work together to provide better healthcare services to more people in Vietnam.
■Future Prospects
Leveraging CUC’s expertise to support pediatric clinics in Japan, CUC plans to support Nhi Dong 315’s growth through staff exchange, educational support and co-marketing effort. CUC will provide supports to more partners in Vietnam and strive to achieve the mission to create hope through healthcare.
■Prospects of the Vietnamese healthcare market
The Vietnamese healthcare market is expected to grow at the rate of 11% CAGR over 2017-2027*1. Healthcare spending per capita in 2019 increased to 181USD*2, which is about 10x of 2000. Broader access to high quality healthcare service is sought in Vietnam, particularly in urban areas.
(*1) Fitch Solutions, Inc. Healthcare Reforms In Vietnam Present Upside Potential But Risks Remain (October, 2018)
(*2) THE WORLD BANK. Current health expenditure per capita (current US$) – Vietnam
■General information about Vietnam
Country Name: Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Area: 331,699 km2(88% of Japan)
Capital city: Hanoi(North Vietnam)
The biggest city: Ho Chi Minh(South Vietnam)
Population: 97 million(in 2020, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan)
◆Company Overview
■Overview of CUC Inc.
Address:2F Nomura Fudosan Higashi-Nihonbashi, 1-1-7 Higashi-Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
CEO:Keita Hamaguchi
Established:August 8, 2014
Group company of M3 , Inc, listed on the Prime Market of Tokyo Stock Exchange. Provides management support for healthcare institutions globally, visiting nurse and home hospice business in Japan to “Create hope through healthcare”. Started management support business for healthcare institutions in Vietnam in 2019. Covers pediatric segment in both Japan and Vietnam. Expansion of its services in other countries is in progress.
*Please refer to Sustainability Report 2022 for details.
■Overview of Nhi Dong 315 Group
Address:308 Nguyen Tri Phuong street, Ward 4, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
CEO:Nguyen Huynh Van Vy
Established:March 2019
Operating pediatric, obstetrics and gynecology clinics in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Supporting children from infancy to adolescence and pregnant women in Vietnam by providing outpatient care, examination, vaccination, nutritional counseling etc.